1- All Papers must be original and should not be published in any manner before and after the conference. Maximum pages are eight (8) pages including
2- All Authors and Co-authors must inform their respective Dept. Head/Principal/Guide about the paper submission for i-Tec’19 Conferences/Events.
3- All Authors and Co-authors should write the correct affiliation for the paper.
4- The Organizing Committee may not accept the papers submitted after the date of registration.
5- All papers will be accepted for the conference after had been reviewed by i-Tec’19 Reviewers.
1- All participants should register before coming to the conference by paying the specified amount as stated at the registration menu.
2- All participants should follow the official Conference Portal regularly for getting the latest information about the event.
3- The Organizer may change the venue and date due to any circumstances before the conference. All delegates will be inform earlier via email and Conference Portal.
4- The participants should not been involved with any kind of violence during and after the event.
5- The participants should bring their original ID card (Staff Pass for MARA’s staff) otherwise will not be allow to join the conference.
6- Any participant reaching after the reporting time at the venue will not be consider for the presentation.
1- i-Tec’19 is collaboration with University Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and University Kuala Lumpur (UniKL).
2- i-Tec’19 has all the rights to cancel the registration at any time and withdraw the Publication if any participants/delegates violates the rules and regulations of iTec’19 and will take necessary action immediately.
3- i-Tec’19 has all the rights reserved to publish/withdraw the paper from conference proceedings or journals at any time.
4- The presenter’s certificate provided to presenters only (maximum two presenters per paper), however member of the group (co-author) can request additional presenter certificate with additional charge RM80/USD20 per author.
5- All accepted papers would be publish in Scopus Index.
6- The organizer will upload the proceedings of the conference into the official portal i-Tec’19 after receiving the proceedings from the Scopus, the expectation of February 2020. Participants may print their own proceedings if they need a hard copy.
7- Participation fee is not refundable if the participant withdraws from i-Tec’19
Account No: 110401006576
Use Registration ID as payment's reference
Please email your proof of payment to: conference@itec19.kktmkemaman.com
Please email your proof of payment to: conference@itec19.kktmkemaman.com
Please contact: Mdm. Iddawani Abd Rahim
Contact No: 019-2986527
Please mail the LO before: 15th August 2019